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OCTOBER 2, 2020

Smart Technology Drives Smart Transformation

David Wilson

Objectway Senior Business Development Manager

Reading time: 2 min


One of the biggest challenge is to broad the customer base whilst not increasing costs, empowering human governance with automated and optimised investment recommendations, to increase the effectiveness of investment advice.

An ingredient that remains crucial is having strong investment strategies in today’s world you should be supported more and more by intelligent algorithms. Smart Technology can accelerate the company’s growth, combine data to better serve clients, to assist – and not replace – your portfolio managers. The use of algorithms and AI will drive investment decisions’ optimisation and regulatory compliance, reducing risk exposure.

From the perspective of the clients, they need a better and more engaging experience, perceiving greater value provided by their advisor. The investments service should be feel as a high touch investment service by your customers. We have learnt that a robo-only experience is not enough for majority of them.

They want to feel understood and served for their deeper personal needs and goals. They need the human touch of a professional that listen, understand and solve for them. They need to feel they are unique and that their investment portfolios are tailored to their needs.

But tailoring has a cost and those that will be able to tailor in a scalable low cost approach will be the winners being able to deliver value in a cost efficient way.

Our customers are changing and expect a new modern digital experience to complete their global investment experience. By generating value throughout the investment experience, and that means smart use of technology and data, we can secure our relationships, having more loyal customers that will recommend our service to other customer.