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The UK Wealthtech Landscape Report 2022

Providing digital-first approach and ease of use is and will be more and more a key factor of choice, says Alberto Cuccu, Chief Solution Officer at Objectway.

The industry is putting the pandemic firmly behind it. But we have learned so much from that turbulent time, and the market has emerged looking so very different from the days when no one had even heard of Covid-19.

Today’s headline is future-proofing. Indeed, reading this report, people know there is a lot going on at all levels. On a macro level, we have regulations like the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) coming into play, which will create the means to compare and contrast investments for ESG purposes. The FCA Consumer Duty Rules will further bolster the requirement to properly describe and govern products and will impact suitability.

Read the full ANALYST RESEARCH now!

    Objectway and The Wealth Mosaic Front Page describing how providing digital-first approach and ease of use is and will be more and more a key factor of choice
    Objectway and The Wealth Mosaic UK WealthTech Landscape Report 2022 Cover