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70% of wealth management firms are investing in digital technology as main priority for 2018

30 May 2018 – The Compeer Objectway report on Wealth Management trends shows “operational efficiencies” as a distant second driver.

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Over two thirds of firms are prioritizing investment in digital technologies this year, says the 2018 edition Compeer Objectway report Squaring the circle: to How To Improve The Quality Of Client Service As Well As Profitability.

The annual report was commissioned by Objectway and conducted by Compeer, with the aim of investigating how UK Wealth Management firms can improve the quality of client service and at the same time improving profitability. While 70% of the firms point to investment in digital technologies as a first priority, 30% indicated operational efficiency as a second priority, followed by several minor priorities such as, client management or regulatory changes.

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This report is a snapshot of the direction that technology in UK Wealth Management is taking and well worth a read to fully appreciate the direction of travel in the market.


Peter Schramme

Chief Business Development Officer, Objectway

The report was compiled from data collected via face to face interviews conducted with a variety of UK Wealth Management firms and an on-line questionnaire. The report is freely downloadable from Objectway website.