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Objectway & IPE Business School: A perfect match since 2015

11th June 2024 – Francesca Forino, Objectway’s HR Country Manager, will meet IPE Business School students and graduates to illustrate the benefits of the almost ten-year partnership with IPE Business School.

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Meet Dalila: Senior Business Analyst at Objectway

Meet Dalila Morsli, a dynamic Senior Business Analyst at Objectway and a former standout student of the Master in Advanced Finance – Risk, Fintech, Big Data at IPE Business School.



Tuesday, 11th June 2024

Objectway renews University Partnership: IPE Business School

Francesca Forino, HR Country Manager, Objectway Group

Entering 2024, we were thrilled to once again confirm our long-lasting partnership with IPE Business School for the Master’s in Advanced Finance – Risk, FinTech, Big Data based on mutual trust and shared vision.

As a leader in financial technology, Objectway is the perfect match for this cutting-edge Master by IPE Business School, which offers an immersive dive into the latest risk management strategies, insights into financial markets, refining trading techniques, mastering portfolio management, orchestrating corporate finance transactions, and much more.

Get the information you need and gear up to meet with our HR Country Manager, Francesca Forino, to delve into Objectway’s core mission: building partnerships with banking, asset and wealth management firms to empower and scale their business enhancing the entire value chain and supporting their growth.

Francesca will drive you to discover the Objectway world, exploring our Platform, designed to deliver a flexible solution design leveraging the comprehensive suite of end-to-end digital and service capabilities, based on scalable cloud infrastructure. But that is not the whole story: during the meeting’s presentation, students will have the chance to hear the voice of Dalila Morsli, a dynamic Senior Business Analyst at Objectway and a former standout student of the Master in Advanced Finance – Risk, Fintech, Big Data at IPE Business School. She found the perfect match in Objectway, recognising our commitment to not just keeping pace but setting the standards in the industry!

Together through this partnership we’re on a mission to shape the future of finance by empowering tomorrow’s leaders with the essential skills needed to thrive in an ever-changing industry and we look forward to enriching our Objectway community with forward-thinking professionals!

Discover exciting career opportunities here and join us in shaoing the future of finance: your journey starts here!

Informazioni Utili

11th June 2024, Riviera di Chiaia, 264 (Naples)