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November 30, 2023

The consumer duty: elevating standards & putting consumers’ need first

Marianna Vilardi

Senior Marketing Content Creator

Reading time: 3 min


In the ever-evolving landscape of business, the importance of consumer trust, growth and innovation cannot be overstated. Indeed, higher standards and healthier competition form the bedrock of an environment that not only fosters trust, but also propels growth and innovation. The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) underscores this imperative, emphasising the need for higher consumer protection in the retail financial markets. Firms are urged to compete vigorously in the consumers’ interests, understanding their needs and providing flexibility to support them, ensuring positive outcomes. In the UK, Consumer Duty therefore emerges as a pivotal piece in this growth puzzle, offering immense potential benefits, particularly in enhancing consumer trust and attracting inward investment.

But pay attention, do not to consider Consumer Duty a mere checkbox on a corporate to-do list; it’s a transformative cultural shift and, as such, it demands a profound integration into the very fabric of a firm’s identity, culture, and operations. From the Board to the front-line delivery teams, spanning product design, communications and customer support, the Duty requires a comprehensive presence across the entire organisational spectrum and extending into its strategy, governance, leadership, and people policies.

Regulatory Demand: The Outcomes

Consumer Duty translates into tangible outcomes across various dimensions of a firm’s operations:

  • Products & Services: Governance measures must be in place throughout the complete lifecycle of a product or service. Incorporating customer feedback is crucial for continuous optimisation and enhancement.
  • Price & Value: Regular evaluation of the price and value of products or services is essential. Firms must articulate and substantiate inherent value, whilst ensuring fair pricing aligned with quality and benefits.
  • Consumer Understanding: Meticulous evaluation of client communications is imperative. Recommendations should be tailored to clients’ needs and comprehensive documentation on benefits, costs, risks, and tax implications is essential to enhance consumer awareness.
  • Consumer Support: Aligning software systems with the preferences of the target demographic and establishing contact channels that cater to clients’ preferences is imperative.

The Governance Framework emphasises demonstrating good faith in customer interactions, taking measures to prevent foreseeable harm, and actively supporting customers in pursuing their financial objectives.

Understanding Customer Journey

A firm’s ability to understand the end-to-end customer journey and align this with the four outcomes, will enable the firm to apply the necessary framework required under the Duty.

Delving into the products and services offered, evaluating their price and value, and ensuring customer comprehension at each stage of the journey are critical considerations. Documenting these aspects becomes imperative when constructing a comprehensive framework encompassing policies, processes, and guidance. The real game-changer lies in the ability to capture and respond to customer feedback effectively,  this not only acts as tangible evidence of the support customers are receiving but also serves as a catalyst for continuous enhancement of products and services.

However, the journey doesn’t end with feedback alone. Having robust analytical tools in place is equally pivotal. These tools empower firms to capture, interrogate, and monitor client data seamlessly throughout the customer journey, aligning with the four mandated outcomes. In essence, possessing the right analytical arsenal is key to not only meeting but exceeding the requirements set forth by the Consumer Duty.

A Pathway to Excellence

Embracing the Consumer Duty is not just a regulatory requirement; it’s an opportunity for businesses to elevate their standards, foster trust and actively contribute to growth and innovation. By making consumer-centricity a core aspect of their culture and operations, firms can position themselves not just for compliance but for sustained success in a globally competitive landscape.

Explore these concepts and more in Objectway’s comprehensive paper on the Consumer Duty. Download it now:

Gain deeper insights into seamlessly integrating the Consumer Duty into your business practices to enhance outcomes!