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Screen Markets

10th October 2017 – Objectway will be attending The Screen Markets event: the 25th edition of this event will be introducing new features and have a splendid new venue at the Amsterdam Zuid-as, Atrium Amsterdam.

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10th October 2017, from 02:00pm

Screen Markets brings together demand, supply and intermediates in the financial services industry. This year’s program will consist of 4 breakout conference streams, such as:

  • Market Data Products & Solutions
  • Reference Data Management & Feeds
  • Trends in the world of Banking and Asset & Wealth Management Systems
  • Regulation & Compliance for Capital Markets (e.g. KYC, MAR, MIFID and ALM)

04:55pm – 05:25pm

Wealth Management in the Digital Era

Join us at the breakout stream “Trends in the world of banking and Asset & Wealth Management Systems”, and follow our presentation “Wealth Management in the Digital Era” which will explore how digital technology developments can support you facing the current industry challenge and enable your digital transformation, from the creation of a coherent and effective digital eco-system, to how to differentiate your services in a more commoditized market.

Event Information

Host by TRG Screen,
10th October 2017, Atrium Meeting Centre, Amsterdam.

If you wish to find out more, please visit us at Objectway’s stand or book a meeting here.