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ESG as part of MiFID II: From client onboarding to advice and reporting

21st April 2022 – During this webinar, our experts will provide insights into how to implement the updated MiFID II ESG regulation, and in turn ensuring maximum engagement from clients and compliancy for your business.

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Objectway Synechron and EveryoneInvested Presentation Webinar showing collaboration between partners and financial institutions to adopt ESG principles

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    Thursday, 21st April 2022

    2:00pm – 3:00pm

    ESG as part of MiFID II: from client onboarding to advice and reporting

    Objectway, everyoneINVESTED and Synechron

    During this webinar, our experts will provide insights into how to implement the updated MiFID II ESG regulation, and in turn ensuring maximum engagement from clients and compliancy for your business.

    Putting sustainability at the heart of the financial system is the ambitious goal of the European Green Deal initiative and immediately the cause for changes in MiFID II regulation. The many modifications go beyond financial advice and impact all financial market participants.

    Key topics to be covered by the speakers:

    • Onboarding: capturing clients ESG preferences
    • Advice: translating preferences into portfolios
    • Client Reporting: ESG reporting for portfolio management

    Webinar Information

    Thursday, 21st April 2022


    Portrait Gosia Fortuna

    Gosia Fortuna

    Gosia is Solutions Manager at everyoneINVESTED. She has 18 years of experience in various functions within the financial services industry and innovation teams. She is an expert at integrating behavioral technology in digital banking tools to turn clients into investors. Gosia contributed to the digital transformation of investment processes within KBC Group.

    Portrait Rajul Mittal

    Rajul Mittal

    Rajul Mittal heads the Sustainable Finance & ESG practice at Synechron. He joined Synechron in 2009 and has since worked with various leading financial institutions in Europe. Rajul has been passionate about the broader topic of sustainability since his college days. At Synechron he has been one of the pioneers in Sustainable Finance and ESG capability building.

    Portrait Gert-Jan Hoogendoorn

    Gert-Jan Hoogendoorn

    Gert-Jan Hoogendoorn leads Objectway’s Product Management team for the front office systems of Objectway. With more than 20 years of experience in the financial services industry, Gert-Jan is managing the product lifecycle of the WealthTech Suite solutions for the front office, offering a true value proposition to Objectway’s international markets.